Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o


Postal / Zip Code

Please indicate the best place for us to check for pick-ups and make deliveries. To facilitate delivery, we provide complimentary door hangers.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Drapes, upholstery items, comforters, blankets, sleeping bags, pillow shams, tablecloths, napkins and place-mats/rugs

Please select your preferred method of payment.

If you wish to pay by credit card automatically, you can input your information below or call us at (561) 445-1163. Thank You!

Additional charges may apply to non-standard items including, but not limited to, evening gowns, couture gowns and dresses, non-standard shirts (polo shirts, slim fit shirts, shirts with snap buttons, blouses), special fabrics (silk, velvet, linen, leather/suede), beading, sequins.
Please CONTACT US if you have any questions.

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